Safety restraints don’t just prevent serious injuries — they can save lives.
And which parent doesn’t want to avoid that?
So to keep your child safe, you must comply with the Nevada car seat laws.
But what does the law say?
We’ll tell you all you need to know about it here, including the penalties.
We’ll also talk about the seat belt law for grownups.
This way, everyone can obey the laws and keep out of harm’s way.
So let’s dive right in!
Car Seat Laws in Nevada

The Nevada car seat law states…
“Any child below 6 years old and is 57 inches or shorter is required to use the appropriate car seat.”
But you might be wondering, “What is the appropriate car seat?”
Let’s look at this in detail.
The Rear-Facing Car Seat
Just recently, the State of Nevada had changes to its car seat law.
Starting January 1, 2023, you must use a rear-facing car seat when driving with a child under 2 years old. Another thing is that this rear-facing car seat must be installed in the back seat.
Now, all car seats have a maximum height and weight limit. Once your child exceeds those, you’ll have to transition them to a different kind.
The Front-Facing Car Seat
Now, the law doesn’t specify what kind of car seat you should use after your child turns 2 years old, or when they meet the height and weight limitations.
However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using a front-facing car seat next. The back seat is still the best place to install it, but find an area where you can secure it using its top tether.
But again, like all car seats, front-facing ones have maximum limits. You must use still another safety restraint to ensure optimum safety.
The Booster Seat
Once your child turns 6 or becomes taller than 57 inches, you technically don’t need to use a car seat anymore. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t.
There’s no hard and fast rule here, so you’ll have to use your judgment. Just remember that seatbelts are for adults — they most likely won’t snugly fit a 7-year-old.
In cases like these, consider using a booster seat.
Unlike a rear or front-facing car seat, a booster doesn’t come with a five-point harness. Instead, you just need to attach the seat’s base to the vehicle while the seatbelt will restrain the child.
A booster seat puts your child in a better position so that adult seat belts can work effectively.
The Adult Seatbelt
Transitioning your child to using an adult seatbelt is a judgment call. Nevada law doesn’t indicate a specific age or height requirement before you can do so.
The best gauge will be how well a seatbelt fits. If the shoulder straps go across the chest (not the neck) and the lap straps are snug on the hips and pelvis (not the belly), you’re good to go.
You can use the chart below as a general guide, but remember that every child is different, so it’s not an exact science.
Car Seat Penalties in Nevada
Failure to obey the Nevada car seat laws will result in a misdemeanor. In turn, you will face the penalties detailed below.
Offense | Fine | Community Service | License Suspension | Exemptions |
First | $100 to $500 | 10 to 50 hours | N/A | Completing a class on child restraint systems within 60 days of the conviction may convince a judge to waive the penalties. |
Second | $500 to $1,000 | 50 to 100 hours | N/A | A judge may reduce your penalties if you comply with the following: *Complete a child restraint systems program within 60 days of your conviction *You did not waive your penalties for your first offense |
Third and Subsequent | N/A | N/A | 30 to 180 days | None |
Seat Belt Laws in Nevada
Seatbelt laws in Nevada apply to vehicles and occupants. Let’s break these down.
Vehicle-Related Regulations:
- Your vehicle must have lap-type seat belts for front-seat passengers if its manufacturing date was 1968 or newer.
- If your car’s manufacturing date was 1970 or onward, a lap-type seat belt must be available for all passengers. Those sitting in front must also have a shoulder strap.
Occupant-Related Regulations:
- Everyone in a moving vehicle must buckle up if they’re at least 6 years old. It applies regardless of where you sit in the car, front or back.
Seat Belt Penalties in Nevada
Nevada’s seatbelt law has secondary enforcement. So a law enforcement officer can’t give you a citation for violating it unless they pull you over for another offense.
That said, a conviction may result in a misdemeanor and a fine of up to $25.
Other Laws Related to Children in Vehicles
Here are other laws in Nevada that relate to children in vehicles:
- You cannot leave a child younger than 7 years old unattended inside a vehicle unless they are within sight. It’s particularly true when conditions may risk their health and safety.
- A child should never be held in a lap or buckled up with an adult in a single seatbelt.
- Make sure the car seat you use is approved by the US Department of Transportation and Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
- Make sure the car seat is installed properly. It won’t be as effective if it is not.
- Infants are not allowed to sit in the front if there is an active side airbag in the passenger seat.
Violating these laws will lead to a misdemeanor.
How to Properly Install a Car Seat
By law, you need to ensure you install the car seat properly.
Yes, you can always have a professional do it, but you can do it yourself if you want.
If so, here are some steps you can take:
- Step One: Read the owner’s manual. Each car seat is different, so it’s best to go through the instructions before doing anything.
- Step Two: Choose the right location in your car. Remember, in Nevada, car seats must be in the backseat of your vehicle. Ensure that other people can safely get in and out of the car, even with the car seat there.
- Step Three: Decide how to attach the car seat. There are two ways to do this — the Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (LATCH) or the belt path. Either method is effective, but do not attempt to use both simultaneously.
- Step Four: Check the fit. Try to move the car seat after locking it in place. If it moves in any direction more than an inch, you haven’t secured it enough.
- Step Five: Don’t exceed the seat’s capacity. Don’t forget to check the height and weight limits. It’s the best way to determine if your child’s outgrown it.
The Wrap Up
And that is the Nevada car seat laws!
We’ve covered all the essential information about car seats and seatbelts.
Remember, road safety is everyone’s business. And a safety restraint system will help you avoid injury (or worse) in an accident.
So what are you waiting for?
Go ahead and install the proper car seat for your child.